How to Edit Your Short Story

How to Edit Your Short Story

Finishing a short story is one of the most exciting things a storyteller can experience. Often this is achieved in a short time, so you still have the rush of excitement and enthusiasm for your work that writing a novel may not permit. For that reason, you may be eager to start editing your story as soon as possible, but not know where to begin.

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Short Story Character Development: How Much is Enough?

Short Story Character Development: How Much is Enough?

There are so many guides available on how to develop a character, but very few on short story characters. Often this is the case because developing characters for novels versus short stories isn't very different.

However, often people writing short stories can lose time developing their characters and therefore put off writing!

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How to Write a Short Story Outline

How to Write a Short Story Outline

Writing a short story can often be intimidating, even if you've finished a novel recently or some other grand project. Despite it's brevity, a short story is much looser in its structure and up for a lot of interpretation. Because of this, if you're struggling with short fiction, it becomes difficult to look to classic structure for guidance—even if you're writing a more structureless piece.

Plus, not only is the structure much different, but it also requires more efficiency with your words, which is why knowing how to write a short story outline can be a lifesaver for some in the brainstorming phase, and even great for writers approaching second and third drafts!

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How to Write a Short Story Step-by-Step

How to Write a Short Story Step-by-Step

When you talk to most writers, you'll find that they often discuss how difficult it is to write a novel. And in many ways they are right. Writing a novel is grueling. It requires endurance, patience, and a lot of persevering through your own ideas.

As a result, there are tons of resources available to writers on how to write a novel, but very rarely are there guides on how to write a short story step-by-step. Writing a novel feels like much more of an achievement than writing a short story after all. Plus, there are so many different ways to write a short story, far more than writing a novel in fact, that finding one way to do it that works for everyone is impossible.

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Why You Should Be Writing Short Stories

Why You Should Be Writing Short Stories

Ever since I was little, I have been taken by the idea of writing a novel. As a child, I wrote several novel beginnings, never finishing an entire draft until I was twenty years old. A contrarian in every way possible, while other people wrote short stories and did mini writing exercises, I vehemently protested the "system" by always pursuing novel ideas. 

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